Source code for FabLabKasse.cashPayment.server.mdbCash.mdb

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# connection to MDB interface hardware, which is connected to a MDB cash changer

# (C) 2013 Max Gaukler <>

#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  The text of the license conditions can be read at
#  <>.

import random
import time
import serial
import logging
import re
import unittest
import FabLabKasse.cashPayment.server.helpers.coin_payout_helper as coin_payout_helper

[docs]class BusError(Exception): pass
[docs]class InterfaceHardwareError(Exception): pass
[docs]class MissingResetEventError(Exception): pass
[docs]class MdbCashDevice(object): # changer commands - subtracting 8 from the (wrong) values in the specification CMD_RESET = 0x08 - 8 CMD_TUBE_STATUS = 0x0A - 8 CMD_POLL = 0x0B - 8 CMD_SETUP = 0x09 - 8 CMD_COIN_TYPE = 0x0C - 8 CMD_DISPENSE = 0x0D - 8 CMD_EXPANSION = 0x0F - 8 NAK = 0xFF ACK = 0x00 RET = 0xAA IGNORE = "ignore" WARNING = "warning" BUSY = "busy" ERROR = "error" JUST_RESET = "just reset" statusEvents = { 0b0001: ["Escrow request", IGNORE], 0b0010: ["Payout Busy", BUSY], 0b0011: ["valid coin did not get to the place where credit is given", WARNING], 0b0100: ["Defective Tube Sensor", WARNING], 0b0101: ["Double Arrival", IGNORE], 0b0110: ["Acceptor unplugged", ERROR], 0b0111: ["Tube jam", WARNING], 0b1000: ["ROM checksum error", ERROR], 0b1001: ["coin routing error", ERROR], 0b1010: ["Busy", BUSY], 0b1011: ["Was just reset", JUST_RESET], 0b1100: ["Coin jam", WARNING], 0b1101: ["Possible credited coin removal", WARNING] } def __init__(self, port, addr=0b00001, extensionConfig=None): """ :param extensionConfig: settings for extension commands (by the interface hardware, not on the MDB bus). dictionary. :param extensionConfig["hopper"]: Set to False to only use MDB. Set to a coin value to enable an external non-MDB hopper (like Compact Hopper SBB) with the given coin value (e.g. 200 for 2.00€). Currently this hopper is always used first for payout, so it should be filled with the highest possible coin value. :param extensionConfig["leds"]: True to enable RGB-LEDs for payin/payout via extension command """ if not extensionConfig: extensionConfig = {"hopper": False, "leds": False} self.ser = serial.serial_for_url(port, 38400, timeout=0.2) assert 0 <= addr < 2 ** 5 self.addr = addr self.buffer = "" self.extensionConfig = extensionConfig assert self.extensionConfig.get("hopper", False) in [False] + range(1, 9999), "invalid extensionConfig for hopper" self.reset() # ======================= # debug functions # ======================= def __repr__(self): return "<MDB>"
[docs] def printDebug(self, s, debugLevel): logLevels = {-1: logging.ERROR, 0: logging.WARNING, 1: logging.INFO, 2: logging.DEBUG, 3: logging.DEBUG - 1} logging.getLogger(self.__repr__()).log(logLevels[debugLevel], s)
[docs] def error(self, s): self.printDebug(s, -1)
[docs] def log(self, s): self.printDebug(s, 1)
[docs] def warn(self, s): self.printDebug(s, 0)
# ======================= # Low-Level Send/Receive # ======================= # clear all read buffers
[docs] def flushRead(self): while self.ser.inWaiting() > 0: self.warn("flushing serial read buffer") if self.buffer: self.warn("flushing input buffer") self.buffer = ""
[docs] def serialCmd(self, text): logging.debug("serial send: '{0}'".format(text)) self.ser.write(text + "\n")
# get data from serial port # return values: # None: No answer from interface hardware received. # raises: # BusError: the bus device failed to respond, it is guaranteed that no ACK has been sent. Please resend. # InterfaceHardwareError: the interface hardware did not respond properly, a packet might have been lost between interface and PC! # Do not attempt to resend, because the lost reply could have been ACKed by the interface!
[docs] def read(self): bytesToRead = self.ser.inWaiting() # logging.debug(bytesToRead) if bytesToRead > 0: self.buffer += else: pass # logging.debug("not read:" + if self.buffer: logging.debug("buffer: {0}".format(self.buffer.__repr__())) if not ("\n" in self.buffer): # we have not yet received a full response return None if not self.buffer.endswith("\n"): self.warn("received more than one response - flushing buffer. ignore next warnings. buffer:" + self.buffer.__repr__()) self.buffer = "" raise InterfaceHardwareError("received more than one response") if self.buffer == "RT\n": self.log("bus timeout") self.buffer = "" raise BusError("bus timeout") if self.buffer == "RN\n": self.log("bus NAK") self.buffer = "" raise BusError("bus NAK") if self.buffer == "RE\n": self.log("bus error") self.buffer = "" raise BusError("bus error") if not self.buffer.startswith("R:"): self.warn("response has wrong start, skipping data. ignore next warnings. buffer:" + self.buffer.__repr__()) self.buffer = "" raise InterfaceHardwareError("response has wrong start") # everything is okay, return data ret = self.buffer[2:] self.buffer = "" return ret
# ======================= # High-Level Send/Receive # =======================
[docs] def checksum(self, data): sum = 0 for byte in data: sum += byte return sum % 256
# raises BusError or InterfaceHardwareError, see send() # returns valid data
[docs] def cmd(self, command, data=None): if data is None: data = [] assert 0 <= command < 8 bytes = [self.addr << 3 | command] + data bytes.append(self.checksum(bytes)) send = "" resp = None for b in bytes: send += "{0:02X}".format(b) for _ in range(3): try: self.serialCmd(send) for _ in range(30): # timeout for interface board: 1sec time.sleep(0.1) resp = # possibly raises BusError (will be caught below) or InterfaceHardwareError (will not be caught) if resp is not None: resp = resp.strip() logging.debug("resp: " + resp.__repr__()) break if resp is None: raise InterfaceHardwareError("interface timeout") else: break except (BusError): # BusError is not dramatic, just resend logging.debug("bus error, resending") time.sleep(1) continue if resp is None: raise BusError("no successful response after 3 retries") responseData = [] # convert response (hex-string) to a byte array for i in range(len(resp) / 2): try: responseData.append(int(resp[2 * i:2 * i + 2], 16)) except ValueError: raise InterfaceHardwareError("cannot parse hex response") if len(responseData) > 1: if sum(responseData[:-1]) % 256 != responseData[-1]: raise InterfaceHardwareError("checksum mismatch") # interface checks the checksum itself, so we are in big trouble! del responseData[-1] # discard checksum logging.debug("respData: " + responseData.__repr__()) assert responseData != [MdbCashDevice.NAK] # NAK will already be caught in read() return responseData
[docs] def extensionCmd(self, data): """in addition to the MDB commands, the interface hardware provides extension commands for other features (LEDs, hopper, ...). Failure on these commands is not tolerated. """ self.serialCmd("X" + data) for _ in range(30): # timeout for interface board: 1sec time.sleep(0.1) resp = # possibly raises BusError or InterfaceHardwareError (both will not be caught) if resp is not None: resp = resp.strip() logging.debug("resp: " + resp.__repr__()) return resp raise InterfaceHardwareError("interface timeout")
# ======================= # High-Level Commands # =======================
[docs] def reset(self): for i in range(20): time.sleep(1) self.flushRead() try: if self.cmd(MdbCashDevice.CMD_RESET) == [MdbCashDevice.ACK]: # device responded to reset: discard first poll time.sleep(0.5) self.poll(wasJustReset=True) self.getSetup() self.getTubeStatus() self.setAcceptCoins(False, manualDispenseEnabled=False) return except (InterfaceHardwareError, BusError, MissingResetEventError), e: logging.debug("reset failed with exception: " + e.__repr__()) continue raise Exception("Device did not respond to reset attempts for 10 seconds")
[docs] def getSetup(self): d = self.cmd(MdbCashDevice.CMD_SETUP) assert 8 <= len(d) <= 23 assert d[0] in [2, 3] # d[1,2] country code coinScalingFactor = d[3] # decimal places d[4] # coin routing d[5,6] self.coinValues = [] # unsent value-bytes are zero while len(d) < 23: d.append(0) for byte in d[7:23]: if byte == 0xFF: value = 0 # vending token, ignored else: value = byte * coinScalingFactor self.coinValues.append(value) logging.debug("coin values: {0}".format(self.coinValues))
[docs] def getValue(self, type): return self.coinValues[type]
[docs] def poll(self, wasJustReset=False): """ get events from device. :param wasJustReset: set this to True at the first poll after the RESET command """ receivedResetEvent = False def getBits(byte, lowest, highest): # cut out bits lowest...highest (including highest) from byte # example: getBits(0b0110,2,3)=0b11 mask = 0 for bit in range(lowest, highest + 1): mask |= (1 << bit) return (byte & mask) >> lowest data = self.cmd(MdbCashDevice.CMD_POLL) if data == []: return False assert len(data) <= 16 status = {"manuallyDispensed": [], "accepted": [], "busy": False} if data == [MdbCashDevice.ACK]: return status while data: # parse status response if data[0] & 1 << 7: # coin dispensed because of MANUAL! REQUEST (by pressing the button at the changer device itself) assert len(data) >= 2 dispensedType = getBits(data[0], 0, 3) dispensedNumber = getBits(data[0], 4, 6) status["manuallyDispensed"] += [{"count": dispensedNumber, "denomination": self.getValue(dispensedType), "storage": "tube{0}".format(dispensedType)}] del data[0:2] # remaining in tube: data[1] else: if data[0] & 1 << 6: assert len(data) >= 2 acceptedType = getBits(data[0], 0, 3) # unused: acceptedRouting = getBits(data[0], 4, 5) assert acceptedRouting != 2 # this value isnt allowed # coins now in tube: data[1] if acceptedRouting != 3: # 3 == Reject, not accepted! if acceptedRouting == 0: storage = "cashbox" else: storage = "tube{0}".format(acceptedType) status["accepted"] += [{"count": 1, "denomination": self.getValue(acceptedType), "storage": storage}] del data[0:2] else: if data[0] & 1 << 5: # "slug" = counterfeit coin - ignore del data[0] else: # status events assert data[0] in MdbCashDevice.statusEvents [description, severity] = MdbCashDevice.statusEvents[data[0]] if severity == MdbCashDevice.JUST_RESET: receivedResetEvent = True if wasJustReset: logging.debug("received JUST RESET event after reset.") else: raise Exception("received unexpected JUST RESET event") elif severity == MdbCashDevice.WARNING: logging.warning(description) elif severity == MdbCashDevice.ERROR: raise Exception(description) elif severity == MdbCashDevice.BUSY: status["busy"] = True # BUG: if the payout-stack is removed and reattached, the device may send BUSY even while we are not doing payout/payin. # by design, we shouldn't just ignore it because this would remove protections against accidental state mismatches between device and this code logging.debug("received event: {0}. If this happens shortly before an error, read the following explanation: If at this moment a service operator was doing something with the device (the payout unit was removed or the device menu was used), then it is a known bug which can be ignored. Otherwise it probably has happened because of a state mismatch between this driver and the device, then it is a severe problem. To be safe, CashServer will halt with an exception.".format(description)) elif severity == MdbCashDevice.IGNORE: pass else: raise Exception("unknown severity. ups.") del data[0] if wasJustReset and not receivedResetEvent: raise MissingResetEventError("did not receive JUST_RESET response at first poll") return status
[docs] def setAcceptCoins(self, acceptCoins, manualDispenseEnabled=False): # simplified: always accept either all values or no value map = {True: [0xFF, 0xFF], False: [0x00, 0x00]} d = [] d += map[acceptCoins] d += map[manualDispenseEnabled] # logging.warning("debug") # d=[0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF] assert self.cmd(MdbCashDevice.CMD_COIN_TYPE, d) == [MdbCashDevice.ACK]
[docs] def getTubeStatus(self): d = self.cmd(MdbCashDevice.CMD_TUBE_STATUS) assert 2 <= len(d) <= 18 tubeStatus = d[0] << 8 + d[1] status = [{} for i in range(16)] for i in range(16): status[i]["okay"] = True status[i]["full"] = (tubeStatus & i) > 0 if len(d) > 2 + i: status[i]["count"] = d[2 + i] else: # 0 count bytes at the end of the packet are not sent status[i]["count"] = 0 status[i]["okay"] = not (status[i]["count"] == 0 and status[i]["full"]) # count 0 and full means "defective" if not status[i]["okay"]: self.warn("tube {0} defective".format(i)) return status
# dispense coin - may only be called if poll() returns busy==False # may only be called if enough coins are availavle!
[docs] def dispenseCoin(self, type, amount): assert 0 <= type <= 15 assert 0 < amount <= 15 self.log("dispensing {0}x value {1} (coin type {2})".format(amount, self.coinValues[type], type)) assert self.cmd(MdbCashDevice.CMD_DISPENSE, [type | amount << 4]) == [MdbCashDevice.ACK]
[docs] def tryDispenseCoinFromExternalHopper(self): """dispense a coin from an external non-MDB hopper connected directly to the interface board. :returns: False if it failed (or no external hopper is enabled), True if one coin was dispensed """ if not self.extensionConfig.get("hopper", False): logging.debug("skipping external hopper, disabled") return False #============================================================================== # hopper protocol, copied from kassenautomat.mdb-interface/main.c: # # Hopper Protocol: # # command: H # # response: # A = ACK: command received, starting a dispense operation, please resend to poll for the result # B = busy, please resend command until you receive something else than busy (must not take more than 3 seconds) # E01 = out of service because of a serious error #01. # 01 is the hexadecimal error number from hopperErrorEnum in task_hopper.h # Please reset board to exit this state, otherwise all hopper requests will be ignored and answered with this error. # RD = okay, dispensed a coin # RE = okay, hopper is empty, could not dispense a coin #============================================================================== self.log("trying to dispense from hopper") response = self.extensionCmd("H") assert response == "A", "Did not receive ACK on first dispense request, but {0}. Lost reply from a previous command?".format(response) poll_tries = 20 for _ in range(poll_tries): response = self.extensionCmd("H") if response == "B": # received BUSY answer logging.debug("hopper busy, polling again...") time.sleep(0.3) continue else: break"response: {0}".format(response)) if response == "B": raise Exception("Hopper still busy after 6 seconds") elif response == "RD":"dispensed coin from hopper") return True elif response == "RE":"hopper empty") return False elif response.startswith("E"): errors = {"E00": "HOPPER_OKAY", "E01": "HOPPER_ERR_SENSOR1", "E02": "HOPPER_ERR_SENSOR2", "E03": "HOPPER_ERR_SHORT_COIN_IMPULSE", "E04": "HOPPER_ERR_UNEXPECTED_COIN", "E05": "HOPPER_ERR_EARLY_COIN", "E06": "HOPPER_ERR_UNEXPECTED_COIN_AT_COOLDOWN"} errorText = errors.get(response, "unknown error") logging.warn("hopper is disabled because of hardware error {0} - {1}. poweroff interface board to re-enable.".format(response, errorText)) return False else: raise BusError("received unknown response {0}.".format(response))
[docs] def setLEDs(self, leds): """ set RGB-LED color via extension command, if it is enabled in the extensionConfig. :param leds: list of two LED color values. color value: RR GG BB in hex plus a mode of N (normal) or special modes B (blink) or T (timeout: switch off after 20 sec) e.g. "00FF00N" = green normal, "FF0000B" = red blink, "0000FFT" = blue with timeout (will switch off after 20sec or the next command) """ if not self.extensionConfig.get("leds", False): return assert isinstance(leds, list) assert len(leds) == 2 for led in leds: assert re.match(r"^[0-9A-F]{6}[BTN]$", led), "invalid LED value" assert self.extensionCmd("L{0}{1}".format(leds[0], leds[1])) == "OK", "LED command failed"
# ======================= # higher level functions # ======================= # return a list of [coinType, value] sorted by descending value, ignoring 0-value coins
[docs] def getSortedCoinValues(self): v = [] for i in range(16): if self.coinValues[i] == 0: continue v.append([i, self.coinValues[i]]) def cmpItem(x, y): return cmp(x[1], y[1]) v.sort(cmp=cmpItem, reverse=True) return v
[docs] def getPossiblePayout(self): v = self.getSortedCoinValues() t = self.getTubeStatus() logging.debug("coinValues: {0}".format(v)) logging.debug("tubeStatus: {0}".format(t)) # create list of (value, count) tuples coins = [(value, t[index]["count"]) for [index, value] in v] # TODO make max. number of coins configurable return coin_payout_helper.get_possible_payout(coins)
# dispense one coin type for the given value - may only be called if poll() returns busy==False # returns: dictionary with count, denomination, storage (tubeXX) # or: False if nothing could be dispensed # if not False, call again with the remaining value as soon as the device is not busy anymore
[docs] def dispenseValue(self, maximumDispense): assert isinstance(maximumDispense, int) # first try to dispense from external hopper hopperCoinValue = self.extensionConfig.get("hopper", False) if hopperCoinValue is not False and 0 < hopperCoinValue <= maximumDispense: if self.tryDispenseCoinFromExternalHopper(): return {"count": 1, "denomination": hopperCoinValue, "storage": "hopper"} # it did not work, now use MDB bus tubeStatus = self.getTubeStatus() sortedCoinValues = self.getSortedCoinValues() # get number of avail. coins by value coinsAvailable = {} for [coinType, coinValue] in sortedCoinValues: if coinValue not in coinsAvailable: coinsAvailable[coinValue] = 0 coinsAvailable[coinValue] += tubeStatus[coinType]["count"] def shouldSplit(coinValue): """determine if the payout of 1* coin X can be split into smaller pieces (X/2 or X/5), without running out of smaller coins. This is used so that the coin storage does not run short of often paid out coins (like 1€), while the small ones keep overflowing. This function assumes a greedy payout strategy: If 1*X is to be paid out, the maximum remaining payout amount is 2*X. """ splitFactor = 2 if (coinValue / 2) not in coinsAvailable: # there is no "half" coin of the currently used value # Try splitting by factor 5 (50c -> 5*10c). if (coinValue / 5) in coinsAvailable: splitFactor = 5 else: # cannot split by 5 return False # Check that more than enough smaller coins remain so that we don't run out of them. # If we allow splitting (return True), the next smaller coin will be paid out, # then dispenseValue() returns and will be called again. if coinsAvailable[coinValue / splitFactor] < 20: # too few of the smaller coins return False # only split if there are significantly more smaller coins available than large coins return coinsAvailable[coinValue / splitFactor] > coinsAvailable[coinValue] + 10 for [coinType, coinValue] in sortedCoinValues: # how many coins should be dispensed? maximum 15 at once assert isinstance(coinValue, int) number = maximumDispense / coinValue # integer division, implies truncation numberAvailable = tubeStatus[coinType]["count"] if number > numberAvailable: number = numberAvailable if number == 0: continue if shouldSplit(coinValue): logging.debug("splitting payout: skipping 1x out of {number}x{coinValue}, will be paid as smaller coins".format(number=number, coinValue=coinValue)) number = number - 1 if number == 0: continue if number > 15: number = 15 self.dispenseCoin(coinType, number) dispensed = coinValue * number assert dispensed <= maximumDispense return {"count": number, "denomination": coinValue, "storage": "tube{0}".format(coinType)} return False