Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# FabLabKasse, a Point-of-Sale Software for FabLabs and other public and trust-based workshops.
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Julian Hammer <>
#                         Maximilian Gaukler <>
#                         Timo Voigt <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
# see <>.

"""abstract implementations of shopping and clients

base class and interface definition for specific implementations (see other files in this folder)

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod  # abstract base class support
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
import itertools
import locale
import unittest
import doctest
from ConfigParser import Error as ConfigParserError

# counter for unique id values, use next(_id_counter) to get a new ID
_id_counter = itertools.count()

[docs]def float_to_decimal(number, digits): """ convert float to decimal with rounding and strict error tolerances If the given number cannot be represented as decimal with an error within 1/1000 of the last digit, :exc:`ValueError` is raised. :param number: a float that is nearly equal to a decimal number :type number: float | Decimal :param digits: number of decimal places of the resulting value (max. 9) :type digits: int :raise: ValueError >>> float_to_decimal(1.424, 3) Decimal('1.424') >>> float_to_decimal(0.7, 1) Decimal('0.7') """ # conversion is guaranteed to be accurate at 1e12 for 0 digits # larger values are maybe not correctly represented in a float, so we are careful here assert isinstance(digits, int) assert 0 <= digits < 10, "invalid number of digits" result = Decimal(int(round(number * (10 ** digits)))) / (10 ** digits) if not abs(number) < 10 ** (10 + digits): raise ValueError("cannot precisely convert such a large float to Decimal") if not abs(float(result) - float(number)) < (10 ** -(digits + 3)): raise ValueError("attempted inaccurate conversion from {0} to {1}".format(repr(number), repr(result))) return result
[docs]def format_qty(qty): """format quantity (number) as string :param qty: quantity in numbers :return: string-representation of qty, decimal sep is dependent on locale :rtype: unicode >>> format_qty(5) u'5' """ s = unicode(float(qty)) if s.endswith(".0"): s = s[:-2] s = s.replace(".", locale.localeconv()['decimal_point']) return s
[docs]def format_money(amount): """format float as money string You should best use Decimal as input. TODO: make moneysign interchangeable :param amount: amount of money :type amount: float|Decimal :return: amount formatted as string with Euro-Sign :rtype: unicode >>> format_money(1.23) u'1,23 \u20ac' >>> format_money(3.741) u'3,741 \u20ac' >>> format_money(42.4242) u'42,424 \u20ac' >>> format_money(5.8899) u'5,89 \u20ac' >>> format_money(Decimal('1.23')) u'1,23 \u20ac' >>> format_money(Decimal('3.741')) u'3,741 \u20ac' >>> format_money(Decimal('42.4242')) u'42,424 \u20ac' >>> format_money(Decimal('5.8899')) u'5,89 \u20ac' """ formatted = u'{0:.3f}'.format(amount) if formatted.endswith("0"): formatted = formatted[:-1] return u'{0} €'.format(formatted).replace('.', ',')
[docs]class Category(object): """represents a category of Products""" def __init__(self, categ_id, name, parent_id=None): self.categ_id = categ_id = name self.parent_id = parent_id def __repr__(self): return "Category({0}, {1}, {2})".format(self.categ_id, repr(, self.parent_id)
[docs]class Product(object): """simple representation for a product :param prod_id: numeric unique product ID :type prod_id: int :param categ_id: category ID of product, or None if the product is not directly visible TODO hide these products from search, or a more explicit solution :type categ_id: int | None :param name: Name of product :type name: unicode :param location: Location of product (shown to the user) :type location: unicode :param unit: Unit of sale for this product (e.g. piece, kilogram) :type unit: unicode :type price: Decimal :param price: price for one unit of this product :param qty_rounding: Product can only be bought in multiples of this quantity, user (GUI) input will be rounded/truncated to the next multiple of this. Set to 0 so that the product can be bought in arbitrarily small quantities. example: you cannot buy half a t-shirt, so you set qty_rounding = 1 handling this is responsibility of the shopping backend :type qty_rounding: int | Decimal """ def __init__(self, prod_id, name, price, unit, location, categ_id=None, qty_rounding=0, text_entry_required=False): self.prod_id = prod_id = name assert isinstance(price, (Decimal, int)) self.price = price self.location = location self.categ_id = categ_id self.unit = unit self.text_entry_required = text_entry_required assert isinstance(qty_rounding, (Decimal, int)) assert qty_rounding >= 0 self.qty_rounding = qty_rounding
[docs]class OrderLine(object): """ one order line (roughly equal to a product in a shopping cart, although there may be multiple entries for one product) :param id: id of order-line, *must be unique and non-changing* inside one Order() (if None: autogenerate id) :param Decimal qty: amount ("unlimited" number of digits is okay) :param unicode unit: product unit of sale :param unicode name: product name :param Decimal price_per_unit: price for one unit :param Decimal price_subtotal: price for ``qty`` * ``unit`` of this product :param boolean delete_if_zero_qty: if the qty is zero and the user starts adding something else, then remove this line [ usually True, set to False for products that also may as comment limes costing nothing ] """ def __init__(self, order_line_id, qty, unit, name, price_per_unit, price_subtotal, delete_if_zero_qty=True): self.order_line_id = order_line_id if order_line_id is None: self.order_line_id = next(_id_counter) # may cause problems after ca. 2**30 calls because QVariant in gui somewhere converts values to int32. but who cares... self.qty = qty self.unit = unit = name assert isinstance(price_per_unit, (Decimal, int)) self.price_per_unit = price_per_unit isinstance(price_subtotal, (Decimal, int)) self.price_subtotal = price_subtotal self.delete_if_zero_qty = delete_if_zero_qty def __unicode__(self): return u"{0} {1} {2} = {3}".format(format_qty(self.qty), self.unit,, format_money(self.price_subtotal)) def __repr__(self): return "<{0}(id={1}, qty={2}, unit={3}, name={4}, price_per_unit={5}, price_subtotal={6})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.order_line_id), repr(self.qty), repr(self.unit), repr(, repr(self.price_per_unit), repr(self.price_subtotal))
[docs]class DebtLimitExceeded(Exception): """exception raised by pay_order_on_client: order not paid because the debt limit would have been exceeded""" pass
[docs]class ProductNotFound(Exception): """requested product not found""" pass
[docs]class PrinterError(Exception): """cannot print receipt""" pass
[docs]class AbstractShoppingBackend(object): """manages products, categories and orders (cart)""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, cfg): """:param cfg: config from ScriptHelper.getConfig()""" self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def format_money(self, amount): return format_money(amount)
[docs] def format_qty(self, qty): return format_qty(qty)
[docs] @staticmethod def round_money(value): """rounds money in Decimal representation to 2 places Main purpose is shopping.backend.abstract.AbstractShoppingBackend.get_current_total(), since round() does behave weird. But maybe there are other applications too. :param value: an amount of money to be rounded :type value: float | Decimal :return: money, rounded to 2 digits :rtype: Decimal >>> AbstractShoppingBackend.round_money(Decimal('0.005')) Decimal('0.01') >>> AbstractShoppingBackend.round_money(Decimal('0.004')) Decimal('0.00') """ value = Decimal(value).quantize(Decimal('1.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP) return value
# ==================================== # categories # ====================================
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_root_category(self): """ return id of root category """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_subcategories(self, current_category): """return list(Category) of subclasses of the given category-id. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_category_path(self, current_category): """ return the category path from the root to the current category, *excluding* the root category [child_of_root, ..., parent_of_current, current_category] :rtype: list(Category) """ pass
# ==================================== # products # ====================================
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_products(self, current_category): """return products in current category :rtype: list(Product) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def search_product_from_code(self, code): """search via barcode, PLU or similar unique-ID entry. code may be any string :returns: product id :raises: ProductNotFound() if nothing found""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def search_from_text(self, searchstr): """ search searchstr in products and categories :return: tuple (list of categories, products for table) :rtype: list(Product) """ pass
# # order handling #
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_order(self): """ create a new order and return its id""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_current_order(self): """ delete currently selected order, implies set_current_order(None) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_current_order(self, order_id): """ switch to another order (when the backend supports multiple orders) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_current_order(self): """ get selected order (or return 0 if switching between multiple orders is not supported) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_order_lines(self): """return current order lines :rtype: OrderLine """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_order_line(self, order_line_id): """ get order line of current order """ pass
[docs] def get_current_total(self): """ :return: total sum of current order :rtype: Decimal Note: The internal rounding *must* be consistent, which is needed by :class: That means that x,xx5 € must always be rounded up or always down. "Fair rounding" like Decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN is not allowed. For example: - add article costing 1,015 € -> get_current_total == x - add article costing 0,990 € -> get_current_total == x + 0,99 This would not be true with the fair strategy "round second digit to even value if the third one is exactly 5" (1,02€ and 2,00€). """ total = 0 for line in self.get_order_lines(): total += line.price_subtotal return self.round_money(total)
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_quantity(self, order_line_id, amount): """ change quantity of order-line. if not all float values are allowed, round upvalue to the next possible one """ pass
[docs] def product_requires_text_entry(self, prod_id): """when adding prod_id, should the user be asked for a text entry for entering comments like his name?""" return False
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_order_line(self, prod_id, qty, comment=None): """add product to cart if not all values are allowed, ``qty`` is rounded *up* to the next possible amount. The user should only be asked for a comment by the GUI if ``self.product_requires_text_entry(prod_id) == True`` :param prod_id: product :type prod_id: int :param qty: amount of product :type qty: Decimal :type comment: (basestring, None) :param comment: textual comment from the user, or None. :raise: ProductNotFound """ pass
[docs] def delete_order_line(self, order_line_id): """delete product from cart""" pass
# # payment #
[docs] @abstractmethod def pay_order(self, method): """store payment of current order to database :param method: payment method object, whose type is used to determine where the order should be stored in the database method.amount_paid - method.amount_returned is how much money was gained by this sale, must be equal to self.get_current_total() """ # TODO assert amount_paid - amount_returned == self.get_current_total() pass
[docs] def pay_order_on_client(self, client): """charge the order on client's account :param client: AbstractClient :raises: DebtLimitExceeded when the client's debt limit would be exceeded """ debt = client.get_debt() new_debt = debt + self.get_current_total() debt_limit = client.get_debt_limit() if new_debt > debt_limit: try: email = self.cfg.get('general', 'support_mail') except ConfigParserError: email = u"einen zuständigen Betreuer" raise DebtLimitExceeded( u"Der Kontostand wäre mit dieser Buchung über seinem Limit.\n" u"Aktuelles Guthaben: {0:.2f}\n" u"Schuldengrenze für dieses Konto: {1:.2f}\n\n" u"Bie Fragen wende dich bitte an {2}." .format(-debt, debt_limit, email)) self._pay_order_on_client_unchecked(client) return new_debt
@abstractmethod def _pay_order_on_client_unchecked(self, client): """charge the order on client's account, not checking for debt limit :param client: AbstractClient """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list_clients(self): """returns all selectable clients in a dict {id: Client(id), ...}""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def print_receipt(self, order_id): """print the receipt for a given, already paid order_id The receipt data must be stored in the backend, because for accountability reasons all receipt texts need to be stored anyway. """ pass
[docs]class AbstractClient(object): """ a client that can pay by pin """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def __init__(self, client_id=None, name=""): """create client object""" self.client_id = client_id = name
[docs] def test_pin(self, pin): """is the given pin (4-digit string) correct and the client enabled for paying?""" return False
[docs] def get_debt(self): """how much is the current debt (<0 = client has pre-paid)""" return float("inf")
[docs] def get_debt_limit(self): """how much is the limit for the debt that may not be exceeded""" return 0
[docs]def basicUnitTests(shopping_backend): # for implentations # TODO use these somewhere, integrate into unittest below shopping_backend.search_product("") shopping_backend.search_product(u"öläöäl") shopping_backend.search_product(u" ")
[docs]def load_tests(loader, tests, ignore): """loader function to load the doctests in this module into unittest""" tests.addTests(doctest.DocTestSuite('')) return tests
[docs]class AbstractShoppingBackendTest(unittest.TestCase): """test the AbstractShoppingBackend class TODO extend this test """
[docs] def test_round_money_subcent_values(self): """test the money-rounding function the test checks the rounding of subcent values """ for i in range(1000): # round up 0.005 -> 0.01 reference = (i + 1) * Decimal("0.01") self.assertEqual(AbstractShoppingBackend.round_money(Decimal("0.005") + Decimal("0.01") * i), reference)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()