Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# FabLabKasse, a Point-of-Sale Software for FabLabs and other public and trust-based workshops.
# Copyright (C) 2015  Julian Hammer <>
#                     Maximilian Gaukler <>
#                     Timo Voigt <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
# see <>.

import oerplib
import re
import logging

from .abstract import AbstractClient, AbstractShoppingBackend, float_to_decimal, ProductNotFound, OrderLine, Product, Category

[docs]class Client(AbstractClient): """oerp implementation of AbstractClient. do not instantiate this yourself, but please rather use Client.from_oerp or ShoppingBackend.list_clients """
[docs] @classmethod def from_oerp(cls, client_id, oerp): """ read raw data from oerp record """ try: data ='res.partner', client_id, ['name', 'x_pin', 'credit', 'credit_limit']) assert data['customer'] is True assert data['x_pin'] is not False return data except: # TODO catch specific exception raise Exception("Client not found") client = cls(client_id, data['name']) = data['x_pin'] client._credit_limit = float_to_decimal(data['credit_limit'], 2) client._credit = float_to_decimal(data['credit'], 2) return client
[docs] def get_debt(self): return self._credit
[docs] def get_debt_limit(self): return self._credit_limit
# TODO test_pin + check for disabled (=pin False or 0000 ?)
[docs]class ShoppingBackend(AbstractShoppingBackend): """OpenERP implementation of AbstractShoppingBackend""" def __init__(self, cfg): super(ShoppingBackend, self).__init__(cfg) self._current_order = None # TODO assert cfg has relevant entries self.cfg.getint('openerp', 'base_category_id') assert self.cfg.get('openerp', 'anonymous_partner_id', None) is not None, "no 'anonymous_partner_id' configured" # TODO check donation product for price_unit # Add donation to order # order_line_data = oerp.execute( # 'sale.order.line', 'product_id_change', [], order['pricelist_id'][0], # prod_id, return_value['amount_paid']-order['amount_total'], # UOM qty_uos UOS Name partner_id # False, 0, False, False, order['partner_id'][0])['value'] # order_line_data.update({'order_id': order_id, 'product_id': prod_id, # 'product_uom_qty': # return_value['amount_paid']-order['amount_total'], # 'price_unit': 1.0}) # order_line_id = oerp.create('sale.order.line', order_line_data) # self.oerp = oerplib.OERP(server=cfg.get('openerp', 'server'), protocol='xmlrpc+ssl', database=cfg.get('openerp', 'database'), port=cfg.getint('openerp', 'port'), version=cfg.get('openerp', 'version')) self.oerp.login(user=cfg.get('openerp', 'user'), passwd=cfg.get('openerp', 'password')) self.oerp_jcnt = oerplib.rpc.ConnectorJSONRPCSSL(cfg.get('openerp', 'server'), port=cfg.getint('openerp', 'port'), version=cfg.get('openerp', 'version')) self.oerp_jcnt.proxy.web.session.authenticate(db=cfg.get('openerp', 'database'), login=cfg.get('openerp', 'user'), password=cfg.get('openerp', 'password'))
[docs] def get_root_category(self): return self.cfg.getint('openerp', 'base_category_id')
[docs] def get_subcategories(self, current_category): oerp = self.oerp category_child_ids = 'product.category', [('parent_id', '=', current_category)]) # Update Category List categories = list('product.category', category_child_ids, ['name', 'sequence'], context=oerp.context)) categories.sort(key=lambda c: c['sequence']) return [Category(categ_id=c['id'], name=c['name']) for c in categories]
[docs] def get_category_path(self, current_category): oerp = self.oerp c ='product.category', current_category, ['name', 'parent_id'], context=oerp.context) category_path = [] # TODO change to new Category() interface while c and c['id'] != self.get_root_category(): category_path.append(c) c ='product.category', c['parent_id'][0], ['name', 'parent_id'], context=oerp.context) category_path.reverse() return [Category(categ_id=cat['id'], name=cat['name']) for cat in category_path]
[docs] def set_current_order(self, order_id): self._current_order = order_id
[docs] def create_order(self): partner_id = self.cfg.getint('openerp', 'anonymous_partner_id') order_data = self.oerp.execute('sale.order', 'onchange_partner_id', [], partner_id) print order_data assert 'warning' not in order_data, u"failed getting default values for sale.order: {0}".format(order_data['warning']) order_data = order_data['value'] order_data.update({'partner_id': partner_id, 'order_policy': 'manual', 'picking_policy': 'one'}) order_id = self.oerp.create('sale.order', order_data) return order_id
[docs] def get_current_order(self): return self._current_order
[docs] def update_quantity(self, order_line_id, amount): oerp = self.oerp order_line ='sale.order.line', order_line_id, ['product_uom_qty'], context=oerp.context) if order_line['product_uom_qty'] != amount: oerp.write('sale.order.line', order_line_id, {'product_uom_qty': float(amount)})
[docs] def get_order_line(self, order_line_id): return self._order_lines_from_oerp([order_line_id])[0]
[docs] def get_current_total(self): order ='sale.order', self.get_current_order(), ['amount_total', 'amount_paid', 'state', 'pricelist_id', 'partner_id']) # TODO update total first ??? return float_to_decimal(order['amount_total'], 2)
[docs] def pay_order(self, method): raise Exception("TODO") # TODO update code to match new interface definition -- method is now an object and needs to be checked with isinstance, see legacy_offline_kassenbuch if method == "cash_manual": pay_journal_id = self.cfg.getint('payup_methods', 'cash_manual_journal_id') else: raise Exception("unknown method") oerp = self.oerp order_id = self.get_current_order() oerp.exec_workflow('sale.order', 'order_confirm', order_id) picking_id ='sale.order', order_id, ['picking_ids'])['picking_ids'] if picking_id: # No picking list is created if only services are bought picking_id = picking_id[0] oerp.write('stock.picking.out', picking_id, {'auto_picking': True}) invoice_id = oerp.execute('sale.order', 'action_invoice_create', [order_id]) oerp.exec_workflow('account.invoice', 'invoice_open', invoice_id) current_period = oerp.execute('account.period', 'find')[0] pay_account_id = 'account.journal', pay_journal_id, ['default_debit_account_id'])['default_debit_account_id'][0] # and the actual payment: oerp.execute('account.invoice', 'pay_and_reconcile', [invoice_id], float(method.amount_paid - method.amount_returned), pay_account_id, current_period, pay_journal_id, False, False, False, oerp.context) paid ='account.invoice', invoice_id, ['state'])['state'] == 'paid' if paid: oerp.execute('sale.order', 'action_done', order_id) else: raise Exception("Payment failed/insufficient :(")
def _pay_order_on_client_unchecked(self, client): """ charge the order on client account and return new account balance """ # TODO return NotImplementedError() self.oerp.write('sale.order', self.get_current_order(), {'partner_id': client.client_id, 'partner_shipping_id': client.client_id, 'partner_invoice_id': client.client_id})
[docs] def add_order_line(self, prod_id, qty, comment=None): # TODO comment currently unused partner_id = self.cfg.getint('openerp', 'anonymous_partner_id') oerp = self.oerp order_id = self.get_current_order() order_data ='sale.order', order_id, ['pricelist_id']) try: oerp.browse('product.product', prod_id) except: # TODO this exception is not caught at the callers!!! raise ProductNotFound("product disapeared: {0}".format(prod_id)) # most likely # Calculate price order_line_data = oerp.execute( 'sale.order.line', 'product_id_change', [], order_data['pricelist_id'][0], prod_id, qty, # UOM qty_uos UOS Name partner_id False, 0, False, False, partner_id)['value'] order_line_data.update({'order_id': order_id, 'product_id': prod_id, 'product_uom_qty': float(qty)}) oerp.create('sale.order.line', order_line_data)
[docs] def delete_order_line(self, order_line_id): # TODO test that line is actually in current order # TODO test that the current order may be written (state not paid...) self.oerp.unlink('sale.order.line', [order_line_id])
[docs] def delete_current_order(self): order_id = self.get_current_order() oerp = self.oerp if not'sale.order', order_id, ['order_line'])['order_line']: oerp.unlink('sale.order', [order_id]) self.set_current_order(None)
[docs] def search_product_from_code(self, code): code = unicode(code) code = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', code) code = int(code) # lookup code ids ='product.product', [('default_code', '=', code), ('sale_ok', '=', True)], limit=1) if ids: return ids[0] else: raise ProductNotFound()
[docs] def search_from_text(self, searchstr): oerp = self.oerp # Build search pattern searchstr = searchstr.lower().strip() searchpattern = searchstr.split(' ') searchpattern = map(lambda s: ('name', 'ilike', u'%' + s + u'%'), searchpattern) # We don't do empty (full) searches if not searchstr: # TODO return # Do the actual search: category_ids ='product.category', searchpattern) # Update Category List categories = list('product.category', category_ids, ['name', 'sequence'], context=oerp.context)) # TODO change to new Category() interface # tODO sort by sequence? return (self._get_products_from_oerp(searchpattern), categories)
def _get_products_from_oerp(self, query): """ queries openerp for products with the specified query, returns them in a format suitable for self.get_products() """ oerp = self.oerp product_ids ='product.product', query + [('sale_ok', '=', True)]) # TODO read category from product, then fetch all categs. current_category = self.get_root_category() # WORKAROUND c ='product.category', current_category, ['name', 'parent_id', 'property_stock_location'], context=oerp.context) category_default_location = c['property_stock_location'] # Update products products = 'product.product', product_ids, ['name', 'property_stock_location', 'uos_id', 'uom_id', 'lst_price'], context=oerp.context) # get pricelist try: pricelist_id = 'res.partner', self.cfg.getint('openerp', 'anonymous_partner_id'), ['property_product_pricelist'], context=oerp.context)['property_product_pricelist'][0] except: raise Exception("Could not get pricelist from anonymous_client, " + "probably wrong id in config.ini.") product_prices = model='product.pricelist', method='price_get_multi', args=[[pricelist_id], map(lambda i: (i, 1, None), product_ids), oerp.context]) if 'error' in product_prices: raise Exception("Could not get prices. Is the anonymous_partner_id set correctly?") # TODO change to new Product() interface products_preprocessed = [] for p in products: if p['uos_id']: unit = p['uos_id'][1] else: unit = p['uom_id'][1] if p['property_stock_location']: location = p['property_stock_location'][1].replace( self.cfg.get('openerp', 'strip_location'), '').strip() else: # TODO only if product is in this category :( location = category_default_location location = unicode(location) data = Product(prod_id=p['id'], name=p['name'], price=float_to_decimal(p['lst_price'], 3), unit=unit, location=location, categ_id=None) products_preprocessed.append(data) return products_preprocessed def _order_lines_from_oerp(self, ids): assert type(ids) == list for i in ids: assert type(i) == int "convert openerp order_line_id, type list(int), to list(OrderLine()) filled with data" lines ='sale.order.line', ids, ['product_id', 'product_uom_qty', 'product_uom', 'price_unit', 'product_uos', 'price_subtotal'], context=self.oerp.context) result = [] for line in lines: data = OrderLine(order_line_id=line['id'], qty=unicode(line['product_uom_qty']), unit=line['product_uom'][1], name=line['product_id'][1], price_per_unit=float_to_decimal(line['price_unit'], 3), price_subtotal=float_to_decimal(line['price_subtotal'], 3)) if line['product_uos']: data.unit = line['product_uos'][1] result.append(data) return result
[docs] def get_order_lines(self): oerp = self.oerp # Retrieve current order if self.get_current_order() is None: return [] print self.get_current_order() order ='sale.order', self.get_current_order(), ['order_line', 'amount_total'], context=oerp.context) if not 'order_line' in order or not order['order_line']: return [] return self._order_lines_from_oerp(order['order_line'])
[docs] def get_products(self, current_category): return self._get_products_from_oerp([('categ_id', '=', current_category)])
[docs] def list_clients(self): client_ids ='res.partner', [('customer', '=', True), ('x_pin', '!=', False)]) return [Client.from_oerp(i, self.oerp) for i in client_ids]